Generating a SSH key and uploading it to a server

Generate a key with:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

When you are entering the values for the key, remember to set the name and path appropriately.
Upload the public part to your server using:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@

Whatever you set the name and path to in the ssh-keygen part you will need to make sure it replaces the ~/.ssh/root_key bit in the second command.

Now you can use rsync to seamlessly copy files from one computer to another

rsync -avz --progress /home/person1/DirectoryOrFile person2@

…so that’s:

rsync -avz --progress  username@server:

GitLab Docker Container on Fedora 26 Server

I’ve set up a NUC in the house to replace a Digital Ocean droplet.
My first job was to set up a headless Fedora 26 server. Currently it’s running Nextcloud which I set up using instructions from:, and a docker container with Gitlab on it, based on instructions from this site.

To get the docker container to run I sued the following code:

docker run --detach --hostname --publish 1443:443 --publish 180:80 --publish 122:22     --name gitlab     --restart always     --volume /srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab:Z     --volume /srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab:Z     --volume /srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab:Z    gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest

Notice that the ports are translated to:
1443 from 443 (https)
180 from 80 (http)
122 from 22 (ssh)

…because I was already running https, http and ssh on the server.
mark the repo as the origin by going into the directory and using the following command for SSH

git remote add origin ssh://git@yourIPADDRESSorURL:122/monkeymike/MyGreatCodingProject.git

..or for http connections (using username and password – when pushing)

git remote add origin http://yourIPADDRESSorURL:180/monkeymike/MyGreatCodingProject.git

then push to it with:

git push -u origin --all

…and if you need to clear this:

git remote rm origin

If I want to connect to the docker container over SSH I use:

ssh git@myserverURL -p 122

..and when I connect to the server, front end, I use http://myserverURL:180 and it’s all good.

NuGet on Rider C# IDE from JetBrains

You can find NuGet under the Tools menu, then select NuGet and then Manage Nuget Packages.

Once you have the packages dialog open type in the name of the package, choose the package you want and use the green cross button (on the right hand side) to add it to your project.
That should add it to your project; nice and easy.