Adding a Weka shortcut under Fedora Linux

…and scaling it up for High DPI screens.

I’ve recently bought the developer edition of the XPS13 with a highDPI screen and needed to install WEKA for a course I’m doing. When I first ran it from the command line it looked like a tiny little thing in the top left of the screen however a small amount of DuckDuckGo-ing resulted in the correct way of dealing with it.

I’m using Fedora (and gnome) so create a Desktop file for Weka with this pasth and filename: ~/.local/share/applications/weka.desktop

I’ve put my weka jar file in a directory called Programs in my home folder.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Weka Application
Exec=java -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=3.5 -jar /home/mike/Programs/weka-3-8-1/weka.jar

Save it and you should be good to go. Make sure you have the Latest Java installed (I’m using Java9 straight from Oracle). Oh! change the uiScale factor to suite your preference.