Compile Super Collider on Fedora 39 Workstation (Gnome)

Download the source code from

Install some requirements:

sudo dnf install avahi-devel emacs emacs-devel libXt-devel libudev-devel libsndfile-devel pipewire-jack-audio-connection-kit-devel qt5-qtwebengine-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel qt5-linguist qt5-qtwebsockets-devel

…if everything worked OK:

cmake .
sudo make install

and run


Use Ctrl-B while in scide to start the server. try from


Ctrl-. will stop the server once it’s been playing something.

Standard Horizon HX890E

Just bought a VHF radio with GPS logging (see title). I had assumed that when you connected a computer to it as a USB device it would be just like a thumb drive. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case.
You can download some special software for PC download (sic) but that doesn’t include Mac or the mighty Linux. So some DDGing later brought me to which uses python to access it.
It was easy to set up a virtual environment for python 3.6 and use pip to install from the github repo.
You can make sure it is connected to USB, using… lsusb it should show an entry for a device called Yaesu Musen HX890


  • Start the radio up in a special mode, hold down Menu/Set while powering on.
  • Make the device readable sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM1
  • Then use:
    hxtool gpslog -g yourfilenamehere.gpx or (-j for geojson format)
    …to transfer you GPS log from the device to your PC.

    Once you have the file safely on your hard drive you can open it using something like QGIS with the GPS tools installed (GQIS -> Plugins -> Manage and install plugins -> (search for GPS) -> GPS Tools (tick it)
    Then Vector -> GPS Tools -> [Load GPX File]

    By the way to access the setup menu (just in case you haven’t read the manual) hold down the menu/set button for a second or two instead of just tapping it. You clear the log by using the GPS settings menu.

    KDE and onwards to a better world

    Having given up on people telling me what I don’t want (GNOME). KDE is now the GUI of choice.
    An install of fedora KDE spin and here are my initial installs:

    dnf install fedora-workstation-repositories
    dnf config-manager --set-enabled rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver
    dnf install akmod-nvidia
    dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
    dnf install openssl-devel libxml2-devel libcurl-devel ccache
    dnf install SDL SDL2 SDL-devel SDL2-devel SDL_gfx SDL_gfx-devel 
    dnf install SFML SFML-devel freeglut-devel glew-devel glew glade glfw glfw-devel glm-devel 
    dnf install xscreensaver kate filezilla encfs clang clang-devel cmake steam gtk3-devel R-devel p7zip blas blas-devel R-core python3.6 baobab gnome-disk-utility
    dnf install powerline powerline-fonts mc htop f23-backgrounds-extras-kde f24-backgrounds-extras-kde f25-backgrounds-extras-kde f26-backgrounds-extras-kde f27-backgrounds-extras-kde f28-backgrounds-extras-kde f29-backgrounds-extras-kde f30-backgrounds-extras-kde f31-backgrounds-extras-kde f32-backgrounds-extras-kde jupyter-notebook gitg monodevelop inkscape gimp blender spacenavd krita dia scribus kdevelop seahorse nextcloud-client calibre evolution gource kdenlive lollypop
    dnf copr enable dani/qgis
    dnf install qgis python3-qgis qgis-gras
    dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
    dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
    dnf install vlc

    Don’t forget you’ll also want to install RStudio,etc. and make the adjustments to your .bashrc file for the powerline to work.
    …and you know what did it for me? Desktop backgrounds.

    And the downside is that I’ll now spend about 2 hours adjusting settings to get my look absolutely right 🙂


    Not running stuff on Fedora 31 unless you run:
     systemctl --user restart xdg-document-portal

    …before hand. Something to do with flatpak apparently.

    Nextcloud, increase inotify limit.


    fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 100000

    …or rather create a new file called something like

    …and in that file put the
    fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 100000

    Your nextcloud client should then stop complaining.


    Just been thinking about buying a FitBit Charge 3, loads of good reviews, great battery life and waterproof!
    Thought I’d check out their Privacy Policy.
    Privacy Policy

    Have now changed my mind and will not be buying one.

    Fedora 3X DNF installs

    sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
    sudo dnf install SDL SDL2 SDL-devel SDL2-devel SDL_gfx SDL_gfx-devel powerline powerline-fonts mc htop boost-devel kate kdevelop geany openssl openssl-devel nmap ccache
    sudo dnf install f23-backgrounds-extras-gnome f24-backgrounds-extras-gnome f25-backgrounds-extras-gnome f26-backgrounds-extras-gnome f27-backgrounds-extras-gnome f28-backgrounds-extras-gnome f29-backgrounds-extras-gnome f30-backgrounds-extras-gnome f31-backgrounds-extras-gnome
    sudo dnf install jupyter-notebook gitg monodevelop gnome-builder inkscape gimp blender spacenavd krita dia scribus lollypop virt-manager seahorse gnome-password-generator nextcloud-client nautilus-image-converter R-base dconf-editor R-devel openssl-devel libxml2-devel libcurl-devel rstudio-desktop
    sudo dnf install evolution python3-spyder
    flatpak --user install
    flatpak install --from

    flatpak install flathub io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity

    follow this link to sort out the Fn button on an Apple keyboard Super User use the systemd one. You will also need to enable the spacenavd service using systemctl enable spacenavd etc.

    Other things to install:

    Android Studio
    Pycharm Community Edition

    Displaylink driver for RPM based distros


    TopIcons Plus
    Dash to Dock
    set up Powerline

    Enable the minimise maximise close buttons and set the screen blank for an hour:

    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ":minimize,maximize,close"
    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 1800
    dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/cursor-size 45

    Other things to do:

    Add yourself to the virt-manager group

    sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $(whoami)