
Create a table that contains one one, two twos, three threes etc. upto a given maximum using t-SQl

DECLARE @max int
declare @val int
declare @inner int
set @val = 0
SET @max = 20

WHILE   @val<=@max BEGIN
	set @inner=0
		WHILE   @inner<@val BEGIN
				insert into @id(number) values (@val)
				set @inner= @inner+1
		set @val = @val +1

select * from @id
select count(*) from @id

Razor and c# etc.

Notes on my first stab at MVC on vs2010

@ are very important.

A good quick reference for those confused about the cshtml syntax:

Call a function from the page:

@( projectname.Controllers.SpecificController.FuntionName())

Basically fully qualify the name of the function and you should be fine.
You might have to declare the function as static.


Help my VS2010 doesn’t work properly for the model section!!
“DBContext” Are you missing an assembly reference?

http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/confirmation.aspx?id=1491 and include

using System.Data.Entity;

at the top of your source file/class whatever…

Simple Java Insertion Sort

package insertionshort;
public class InsertionShort {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] a = {123, 235, 23, 46, 34, 2, 45, 235, 25, 65, 46, 2345, 25, 246, 24, 5246, 24, 6};
    public static void intInsertionSort(int[] a) 
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            int temp = a[i];
            int j;
            for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && temp < a[j]; j--) 
                a[j + 1] = a[j];
            a[j + 1] = temp;
            for (int f = 0; f < a.length; f++) 
                System.out.print(a[f] + "\t");

GDELT data into ms-sql

download the historical backfiles

Use the following script to create a database in the required location:

 GLOBALEVENTID bigint , --1
 SQLDATE int, 
 MonthYear char(6) , 
 [Year] char(4) , 
 FractionDate decimal , --5
 Actor1Code char(55) , 
 Actor1Name char(255) , 
 Actor1CountryCode char(55) , 
 Actor1KnownGroupCode char(55) , 
 Actor1EthnicCode char(55) , --10
 Actor1Religion1Code char(55) , 
 Actor1Religion2Code char(55) , 
 Actor1Type1Code char(55) , 
 Actor1Type2Code char(55) , 
 Actor1Type3Code char(55) , 
 Actor2Code char(55) , --16
 Actor2Name char(255) , 
 Actor2CountryCode char(55) , 
 Actor2KnownGroupCode char(55) , 
 Actor2EthnicCode char(55) , 
 Actor2Religion1Code char(55) , 
 Actor2Religion2Code char(55) , 
 Actor2Type1Code char(55) , 
 Actor2Type2Code char(55) , 
 Actor2Type3Code char(55) , 
 IsRootEvent int , 
 EventCode char(4) , 
 EventBaseCode char(4) , 
 EventRootCode char(4) , 
 QuadClass int , 
 GoldsteinScale decimal , 
 NumMentions int , 
 NumSources int , 
 NumArticles int , 
 AvgTone decimal , 
 Actor1Geo_Type int  , 
 Actor1Geo_FullName char(255) , 
 Actor1Geo_CountryCode char(2) , 
 Actor1Geo_ADM1Code char(4) , 
 Actor1Geo_Lat float , 
 Actor1Geo_Long float , 
 Actor1Geo_FeatureID int  , 
 Actor2Geo_Type int  , 
 Actor2Geo_FullName char(255) , 
 Actor2Geo_CountryCode char(2) , 
 Actor2Geo_ADM1Code char(4) , 
 Actor2Geo_Lat float , 
 Actor2Geo_Long float , 
 Actor2Geo_FeatureID int  , 
 ActionGeo_Type int  , 
 ActionGeo_FullName char(255) , 
 ActionGeo_CountryCode char(2) , 
 ActionGeo_ADM1Code char(4) , 
 ActionGeo_Lat float , 
 ActionGeo_Long float , 
 ActionGeo_FeatureID float  , 

Unzip all your history files into one location and then run this script for each file:

    FROM 'C:\Users\MONKEYMIKE\Desktop\201302.csv'
		, ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0a'--'\n'

Excel: replace a character or string with CR LF

This is a technique aimed at splitting up a long cumbersome string held in a single cell using new line breaks. It requires that we replace a normal character with the special characters [CR][LF].

Why would you want to do this?
Well sometimes it looks nice and it makes life easier, or it can make the data easier to scan through. I first used it to show ICD10 Diagnosis code strings from a concatanated string into a single readable cell.

To start off generate your file so that each part of the string that you want on a seperate line has a unique character (or unique string) at the end of the subsection.
In this example I’ve used “: ”
Now highlight the section you want to change. Ctrl + A on a section etc.
Then bring up the find and replace dialog using Ctrl + H
In this example I needed to replace “: ” (thats colon followed by a space)
Now place your cursor in the replace section:
Hold down ALT + 010 release (the ALT key) and then ALT + 013 then release again.
Press the replace all button and away it goes, It can take longer doing this than a normal find and replace.
…and that’s what you get newlines instead of “: ”

GIS in R cran

walesCoast<-readShapeSpatial("Z:/MAPPING DATA/Meridian 2 Shape/data/coast_ln_polyline.shp", proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:27700"))
walesUA<-readShapeSpatial("Z:/MAPPING DATA/Meridian 2 Shape/data/district_region.shp", proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:27700"))

plot(walesCoast,xaxs="i",yaxs="i",xlim=x1x2,ylim=y1y2,lwd=3,col="red", add=TRUE)
