Here it should be assumed that you have the values as columns on a spreadsheet and everywhere you don’t have a value you have replaced the gap with the letters NA.
Month | A | B | C | D | E |
Apr | 63.91419 | 21.13823 | 75.13719 | 80.97858 | 11.86916 |
May | 92.51104 | 126.4206 | 129.9751 | 56.79248 | 36.77565 |
Jun | 65.44783 | 39.14822 | 6.558068 | 19.42456 | 21.63901 |
Jul | 131.4266 | 70.55551 | 63.00389 | 102.5545 | 116 |
Aug | 129.3926 | 31.60157 | 2.435477 | NA | 73.03078 |
Sep | 35.71819 | 6.667624 | 89.68176 | 98.86681 | 26.59825 |
Oct | 53.36333 | 97.32301 | 63.80283 | 2.39816 | 41.05988 |
Nov | 38.88958 | 88.80514 | 118.4024 | 3.027732 | 64.32666 |
Dec | NA | 123.3156 | 123.5542 | 79.57653 | 62.26653 |
Jan | 6.570292 | 11.66491 | 72.28813 | 31.43667 | 39.0891 |
Feb | 15.1047 | 9.964003 | 144.4861 | 48.67408 | 146.2865 |
Mar | 78.85201 | 10.53091 | 147.5341 | 67.90013 | 40.08176 |
Copy The Data into the clipboard:
cr<-read.table("clipboard",header=TRUE, na.strings="NA" )
x <-cr[2:5]
cm<-cor(x,x,use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
Now output the Matrix back to the clipboard
and paste it back into Excel &c.
If you get a buffer full error then use :
A | B | C | D | |
A | 1 | 0.3 | -0 | 0.4 |
B | 0.3 | 1 | 0.2 | -0 |
C | -0 | 0.2 | 1 | 0.2 |
D | 0.4 | -0 | 0.2 | 1 |